- 1、淡水鱼中,哪种鱼生命力最强?我想在下水道的入口处,做一沉淀池,放进鱼后,是为了清理里面的食物杂质。
- 2、高密度沉淀池+反硝化生物滤池 需要鼓风机吗
- 3、哪位大神英语好,跪求翻译,跪求跪求 摘 要:胸椎小关节紊乱症,系指胸椎小关节外力作用下发生解剖位
- 4、脊柱小关节紊乱有什么表现怎样治疗
- 5、成语玩儿命猜钟的二十一关的第二小关是?
二、高密度沉淀池+反硝化生物滤池 需要鼓风机吗
三、哪位大神英语好,跪求翻译,跪求跪求 摘 要:胸椎小关节紊乱症,系指胸椎小关节外力作用下发生解剖位
Abstract: thoracic vertebra small joint disorder refers to thoracic vertebra small joint force under the anatomical location of change, performance for intraarticular synovial incarceration and the formation of not plete dislocation and can not automatically reset and lead to pain and functional limitations and other symptoms of a disease. In spite of the thoracic facet joint disorders in both humans and animals have higher incidence, but due to the incidence of concealment, course of the disease is mostly through the chronic, some of the symptoms of area and primary lesions are far apart, so before has not been paid enough attention to. In this experiment, the T6-T8 dislocation was used as the experimental animal in the adult rabbits. After the operation, the weight change curve was drawn and the digestive ability was evaluated. After 6 weeks of operation, the measurement of gastric electrical and intestinal motility were done, and the rabbits were sacrificed. The gastrointestinal wall was taken to make gastrointestinal pathological sections. The pathological changes were observed and the influence of the thoracic facet joint disorder on the gastrointestinal tract was evaluated. The experimental results showed that the gastrointestinal motility of the experimental group was weakened, the changes of gastrointestinal wall occurred, and the effect of gastrointestinal function.
Key words: small joint disorder of thoracic vertebrae, modeling, gastrointestinal motility, gastrointestinal wall lesions
【拼音】:kàn shā wèi jiè
【例句】:卫玠从豫章至下都,人久闻其名,观者如堵墙。玠先有羸疾,体不堪劳,遂成病而死,时人谓~。 ★明·李贽《初潭集·师友十》