1.肝内胆管结石的治疗方法是什么? 2、肝内胆管结石如何治疗? 3、胆管结石堵塞怎么办? 4、如何治疗肝结石? 5、肝内胆管结石如何治疗? 6. 治疗胆管结石最好的方法是什么?肝内胆管结石的治疗方法是什么?
术后有胆管者,4~6术后数周,可通过胆道镜经导管窦进行碎石取石。方法:如有胆管狭窄,应先经窦道行胆道镜检查或气囊导管扩张术。也可与十二指肠镜联合进行乳头括约肌切开术,解决胆总管下端狭窄。胆道镜取石时,胆道镜应小心轻柔地穿过导管的窦道。根据术前诊断及胆管内情况,如胆管炎症、絮状物等,确定残石位置,或在B超引导下进入肝内胆管。对于大石块,先用石钳将其压碎,再夹出。切除肝内胆管后,检查肝外胆管,直至胆总管下端开放。如果一次不能取石,可以多次取石。每次手术间隔3~5天。如果发生术后胆管炎,应在炎症得到控制后进行取石。每次取石后,应将导管重新置入胆管内,一方面便于引流,也为后续取石创造条件。 4级以上肝内胆管,如胆道镜不能进入,可先用音频水力震碎结石,使周围胆管内的结石松动,直至到达胆囊,再取出结石。石头。或用细胆道镜至胆管口处,用取石钳进入远端胆管取石。
没有胆管的患者术后残留结石的处理难度更大。因此,术后拔除胆道引流管前,应常规行胆管造影或胆管镜检查,确认无残留结石及胆管狭窄后方可拔管。如果在没有胆道引流管的情况下发现残留结石,治疗方法包括:服用中药排石,适用于肝内外胆管无狭窄,结石不是太大(0.5- 1.0cm),胆结石位于胆管或胆总管内。
采用疏肝利胆方,加贴电极板、射流振子、经络按摩器、按穴或针灸排石等。当胆结石位于胆总管时, 可通过十二指肠镜取石篮取出结石,必要时应先行内镜下 Oddi 括约肌切开术 (EST)。经皮选择性胆道插管术(SPTCD),可滴注6-偏磷酸钠、依地酸二钠、胆酸、肝素、橙油、猪胆汁等溶石剂。在这种情况下,结合音频水力振动碎石,可以提高清除残石的效果。使用经皮经肝胆管镜或经口胆管镜去除结石并放置内部支撑管治疗胆管狭窄。
胆管结石引起胆总管梗阻的症状: 1.胆结石引起的胆总管梗阻患者会出现上腹痛。疼痛一般位于上腹部中部或右上腹部,常表现为突然发作,程度通常较重,并伴有恶心、呕吐。 2.合并细菌感染时,腹痛后患者会出现寒战、寒战和发热。 3、患者在感到腹痛后的第二天,眼白和皮肤会变黄,小便颜色会变深。肝内胆管结石对身体的危害取决于其大小和位置。有些小结石可能没有任何症状,有些小结石可能会引起胆管小端疼痛、发炎等症状;如果结石变大堵塞胆管,摩擦胆管会引起胆汁淤积、胆管炎症等。因此,肝内胆管结石的主要危害不是结石本身,而是胆汁淤积、肝功能损害、肝细胞水肿、结石阻塞肝内胆管引起的肝萎缩、胆汁性肝硬化等。早期因为没有任何不适症状,所以很多人并没有太注意这个病。一旦结石引起腹痛、黄疸、发热等症状,往往会对肝功能造成严重损害。温馨提示:胆管结石的治疗一定要到专业的结石病医院进行治疗,患者切不可盲目用药,不仅于事无补,还可能加重病情,不利于恢复患者。贵阳结石病医院在治疗胆管结石方面取得了良好的效果。专家建议,应积极到专业医院检查、诊治。为了确保您掌握最佳治疗时机,患者在身体出现异常时一定要及时发现并进行治疗。权威专家【推荐技术】: 胆总管结石的终结者——ERCP技术 ERCP(endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)是在电子十二指肠镜下经口腔经十二指肠乳头注入造影剂。因此,逆行显示胰胆管造影技术是目前国际公认的胰胆管疾病诊断金标准。作用:在ERCP的基础上,可进行括约肌切开术(EST)、胆管结石碎石术、胆总管支架置入术、内镜下鼻胆汁引流术(ENBD)、内镜下鼻胆管引流术(ENBD)。碎石、碎石等介入疗法可以快速、安全、有效地治疗胆管结石等疾病,无需开刀,创伤小,住院时间大大缩短,深受患者欢迎。方法:经内镜逆行胰胆管造影术是将纤维性十二指肠插入十二指肠降部,找到十二指肠的大乳头,从活检管路将塑料导管插入乳头的开口处,注入造影剂X线片显示胰胆管。同时进行相关手术治疗。如发现肿瘤,可取标本作病理检查或置入胆管支架。如果有结石,可以用相关工具将结石取出。 ERCP的五大优势: 1、诊断准确,治疗成功率高。 2、不开刀,无伤口,生理干扰小,患者痛苦小。 3、风险小,安全性高,既消除病灶,又不留痕迹。 4、恢复快,一般术后三天即可出院,减少住院时间。 5、见效快,重复性强,并发症少。适应症:胰胆疾病,尤其是胆管结石。 ERCP具有检查与治疗并举的优势,成功率逐渐提高,目前已达到%以上,已成为胰腺、胆道疾病诊治的重要手段。以上是贵阳结石病医院的专家们为“刚确诊,还没治疗,想试试保守治疗,中药复发,保守治疗无效,手术后,我在一头雾水。了解微创治疗
手术治疗原则:①尽量清除结石,解除胆管狭窄;②在纠正胆道狭窄、解除狭窄的基础上进行胆肠引流阻塞以扩大胆管的流出; ③如果病变局限于左肝叶,可采用肝叶切除术治愈病变。
p>彻底清除右侧肝管开口处各分支结石胆管,同时切开狭窄的肝内胆管。若结石位于肝浅部,经肝实质切开肝内胆管,取出结石,置T管或做胆管肠引流。胆道引流一般采用肝管、肝总管或胆总管空肠Roux Y吻合,或胆管十二指肠间置空肠吻合。近年来,也有不少人进行胆管与空肠吻合术,将空肠环的一端做成皮下盲环,术后可通过此方式进行胆道镜检查或取石。 Oddi括约肌整形胆总管十二指肠吻合术常引起严重的逆行感染,因此近年来已很少用于肝内胆管结石的治疗。对于无法切开的右肝管二级及以上分支狭窄,可经胆管切口扩张,置入长臂T管或U型管支持引流,此那种引流管一般需要放置1年以上。肝叶切除术是指切除肝内病灶,主要指肝左叶切除术。肝左侧叶切除术是最常用的手术方法。通过肝切面的肝内胆管进一步切除 对于胆结石,在肝切面对肝内胆管和空肠进行RouxY吻合。若右肝管内同时有少量结石,也可行肝内外联合胆管空肠吻合术。对于右肝内胆管结石,也有人进行右肝叶切除术,但多数人认为这种手术侵入性太大,不宜采用。因此,如果双侧肝脏广泛多发性结石或右侧肝内胆管结石,一般不做肝叶切除术,应尽可能切除结石,RouxY型空肠胆管手术
肝内胆管结石是指左右肝管汇合处以上的胆管结石。也可与肝外胆管结石共存。该病多见于远东和东南亚地区,包括中国、日本、朝鲜、菲律宾、泰国、印度尼西亚和马来西亚等国家。我国沿海地区、西南地区、香港、台湾等地区发病率较高。病因与胆道细菌感染、寄生虫感染和胆汁潴留有关。感染是导致结石形成的首要因素。感染的常见原因是胆道寄生虫感染和复发性胆管炎。几乎所有肝内胆管结石病患者的胆汁培养均可检出细菌;感染菌主要来自肠道,常见菌有大肠杆菌和厌氧菌。 B-glucuronidase produced by Escherichia coli and some anaerobic bacteria infection and endogenous glucuronidase produced by biliary tract infection can hydrolyze conjugated bilirubin to generate free bilirubin and precipitate it. Bile retention is a necessary condition for the formation of intrahepatic bile duct stones. Only under the condition of bile retention can the components in bile deposit and form stones. Inflammatory stenosis of the biliary tract and malformation of the biliary tract cause bile retention; the pressure in the distal bile duct of the obstruction increases, the bile duct dilates, and the bile flow slows down, which is conducive to the formation of stones. In addition, macromolecular substances such as mucin, acidic mucopolysaccharides, and immunoglobulins in bile, inflammatory exudates, exfoliated epithelial cells, bacteria, parasites, and metal ions in bile all participate in the formation of stones.
II. Diagnosis of intrahepatic bile duct stone disease
(1) Clinical features of intrahepatic bile duct stone disease
Intrahepatic bile duct stone disease is based on the course of disease and pathology Its clinical manifestations can be multifaceted, ranging from stones confined to a certain section of the intrahepatic bile duct in the early stage without obvious clinical symptoms to spreading throughout the extrahepatic bile duct system and even complicated by biliary cirrhosis, liver atrophy, and hepatic cirrhosis in the later stage. Advanced cases such as abscess, so the clinical manifestations are very complicated. Its clinical manifestations are mainly acute cholangitis, including the pentalogy of severe cholangitis of the triad of biliary obstruction (pain, chills, fever, and jaundice). Its clinical features are:
1. Age of onset - years old;
2. Epigastric pain, which may be typical biliary colic or persistent pain, and some patients have no obvious pain , but the chills and fever are very severe and occur periodically;
3. There may be a long-term history of biliary tract disease, or a history of acute cholangitis accompanied by chills, fever, and jaundice;
4. The affected side Frequent pain and discomfort in the liver area and lower chest, often radiating to the back and shoulders;
5. When one side of the hepatic duct is obstructed, there may be no jaundice or very mild jaundice;
6. When combined with severe cholangitis, the general condition is more serious, and the recovery is slow after the acute attack;
7. During the examination, tenderness and percussion pain in the liver area are obvious, and the liver is asymmetrically enlarged And there is tenderness;
8. The general condition is obviously affected. % of the patients have hypoalbuminemia, and 1/3 of the patients have obvious anemia;
9. Liver and splenomegaly in the late stage Large and portal hypertension performance.
(2) Diagnostic methods
In addition to improving the understanding of the disease clinically, the diagnosis of intrahepatic bile duct stones mainly depends on the findings of imaging examinations. The main imaging techniques used are B-ultrasound, CT and X-ray cholangiography.
1. B-ultrasound diagnosis
B-ultrasound is the first choice for the diagnosis of intrahepatic bile duct stones, and the diagnostic accuracy is generally estimated to be %-%. Ultrasonic images of intrahepatic bile duct stones change frequently, and the diagnosis of intrahepatic bile duct stones generally requires dilation of the bile duct distal to the stones, because calcification of the intrahepatic duct system also has stone-like imaging manifestations.
2. CT Diagnosis
Because intrahepatic bile duct stones are mainly pigmented stones containing bilirubin calcium, and the calcium content is relatively high, they can be clearly displayed on CT photos , The diagnostic coincidence rate of CT is %-%. CT can also show the position of the hepatic hilum, dilatation of the bile duct, and changes in liver hypertrophy and atrophy. Systematic observation of CT photos at each level can help understand the distribution of stones in the intrahepatic bile duct.
3. X-ray cholangiography
X-ray cholangiography (including PTC, ERCP, TCG) is a classic method for the diagnosis of intrahepatic bile duct stones, and generally can make correct Diagnosis, the diagnostic coincidence rates of PTC, ERCP and TCG are %-%, %-%, %-%. X-ray cholangiography should meet the needs of diagnosis and surgery. A good cholangiogram should be able to fully understand the anatomical variation of the intrahepatic biliary system and the distribution of stones. The following issues should be paid attention to in cholangiography:
(1) Multi-directional X-rays should be taken;
(2) When the bile duct of a certain liver segment or lobe does not develop, attention should be paid to Stone obstruction is only one of the reasons, and other examinations should be used for identification;
(3) Do not satisfy the diagnosis of a certain lesion, because it may cause missed diagnosis;
(4) When analyzing cholangiograms, the most recent ones should be obtained as much as possible, because the disease may progress.
(3) Early diagnosis of intrahepatic bile duct stone disease
Currently, clinically treated intrahepatic bile duct stone disease is mostly caused by cholangitis, bile duct stricture, obstruction, and liver atrophy Wait for serious pathological changes before seeing a doctor. Although the imaging diagnosis and surgical techniques of hepatobiliary surgery have made great progress, the current situation of high stone recurrence rate and reoperation rate after surgery has not been significantly improved. Therefore, the treatment of intrahepatic bile duct stones Early diagnosis and treatment may be the key to changing this situation. Early diagnosis of intrahepatic bile duct stones includes:
(1) Chronic right upper abdominal pain and discomfort can exclude other diseases;
(2) B-ultrasound indicates intrahepatic bile duct stones (should be related Calcification identification of other pipeline systems in the liver);
(3) CT shows multiple stone shadows in the liver, and they are segmentally distributed;
(4) ERCP confirms a segmental Those with stones in the liver and bile ducts.
3. Complications of intrahepatic bile duct stones
The main pathological changes of intrahepatic bile duct stones are biliary obstruction and infection; due to the direct relationship between the hepatic duct system and liver parenchymal cells, Severe hepatic cholangitis is often accompanied by severe liver cell damage, and even leads to large areas of liver cell necrosis, which has become the main cause of death in benign biliary tract diseases. Complications of intrahepatic bile duct stones include acute and chronic complications.
1) Acute phase complications
The acute phase complications of intrahepatic bile duct stones are mainly biliary tract infection, including severe hepatic cholangitis, biliary Hepatic abscess and associated infectious complications. The cause of infection is related to stone obstruction and inflammatory stenosis of the biliary tract. Complications in the acute phase not only have a high mortality rate, but also seriously affect the surgical effect.
(2) Chronic phase complications
Chronic phase complications of intrahepatic bile duct stone disease include systemic malnutrition, anemia, hypoalbuminemia, chronic cholangitis and biliary Liver abscess, multiple hepatic bile duct strictures, fibrotic atrophy of liver lobes, biliary cirrhosis, portal hypertension, hepatic decompensation, and late-onset hepatic cholangiocarcinoma associated with prolonged biliary infection and bile retention. Chronic complications of intrahepatic bile duct stones not only increase the difficulty of surgery, but also affect the effect of surgery.
四个。 Surgical treatment of intrahepatic bile duct stones
(1) Principles of surgical treatment of intrahepatic bile duct stones
Treatment of intrahepatic bile duct stones It is still one of the important topics to be studied in hepatobiliary surgery. The principle of treatment of this disease is to relieve obstruction, remove lesions and unobstructed drainage. These three aspects are closely related and indispensable. Relief of calculus and/or narrow obstruction is the key to surgical treatment; removal of lesions is the core of surgical treatment, and at the same time it is often an important means to relieve obstruction; unobstructed drainage is to prevent recurrence of infection and calculus regeneration, but it must be based on the premise of removing the obstruction and removing the lesion. Non-surgical treatment can only be effective after completing the above three basic requirements.
(2) Basic surgical methods and options for surgical treatment of intrahepatic bile duct stones
1. Hepatic lobectomy This operation was first advocated by Professor Huang Zhiqiang for intrahepatic bile duct stones disease, and will be widely used in the future. Due to the resection of the diseased liver tissue and the removal of purulent lesions, the thoroughness of the operation is increased, which is conducive to improving the curative effect of the operation. Lobectomy includes curative liver resection and auxiliary liver resection. Indications for curative hepatectomy include stenosis and calculus of a certain liver lobe (segment), multiple stenosis of the hepatic and bile ducts, or complicated with chronic liver abscess, or hepatic and bile duct fistula, or suspected cancer. The purpose of auxiliary liver resection is to remove the square lobe of the liver or the lower part of the middle lobe of the liver to fully expose the intrahepatic bile ducts and increase the space for dealing with hilar cholangiopathies or biliary-enteric anastomosis.
2. Biliary-enterostomy
The basic procedure of biliary-enterostomy is Roux-Y anastomosis of bile duct and jejunum, and the bridge should be no less than cm. The basic premise of cholangioenterostomy is to remove the lesion and relieve stones or bile duct stricture, otherwise biliary enterostomy should not be performed. Biliary-enteric anastomosis requires low position, large diameter (such as basin anastomosis), mucosa-to-mucosal anastomosis, etc.
3. Bile duct drainage
Bile duct drainage is only suitable for some special cases, such as emergency patients, or transitional surgery combined with portal hypertension, or those who cannot tolerate Elderly patients undergoing complicated operations such as liver lobectomy, or cases with poor general condition. Due to the need for long-term support and drainage with a tube, the further formation of stones can be promoted, and the curative effect is poor.
Why is cholelithiasis a hot topic?
It is by no means alarmist. Cholelithiasis is really a fashionable disease. We have seen many people holding medicine jars to drink medicine every day. Cholelithiasis is not a disease that only modern people get. The pharaohs in ancient Egypt were troubled by cholelithiasis, which shows that it has a long history. However, there are so many cholelithiasis today that adults, especially women, should be alert to cholelithiasis as long as they often feel heaviness in the upper abdomen, soreness in the back and right shoulder, hiccups, and belching. There are also many patients who have been diagnosed by doctors as stomach problems and have not recovered for many years. In fact, they are also caused by cholelithiasis. There are also many patients with gallstone attacks who are misdiagnosed as angina pectoris and coronary heart disease. Cholelithiasis can be said to be an epidemic among urbanites. According to statistics, about % of adults suffer from cholelithiasis, and in middle-aged women, the incidence of cholelithiasis is even as high as %. In hospitals in western countries and some big cities in my country, the number of patients hospitalized for surgery due to cholelithiasis has surpassed that of appendicitis, becoming the veritable No. 1 surgical disease.
What is cholelithiasis?
Cholelithiasis, in short, is gallstones in the gallbladder. Due to hepatic metabolic disorders or biliary motor dysfunction, the solid components in the bile are precipitated, and stones are formed in the gallbladder where the bile flow rate is slow and the bile concentration is high. Gallstones can be as small as rice grains or as large as walnuts. There can be one, two, or thousands of gallstones. A few years ago, we performed a cholecystectomy, and there were several stones in the gallbladder. Under normal circumstances, once the stones are formed, they will accumulate more and more, and grow bigger and bigger. If there is a stone stuck in the cystic duct with a relatively small diameter.就会引起相当剧烈的上腹疼痛,疼痛可以放射到后背及右肩部,病人还常伴有恶心及频繁的呕吐(干呕),用“死去活来”形容一点也不过分,这就是通常所说的胆绞痛。严重者甚至可发生胆囊化脓、穿孔,黄疸、胰腺炎等。
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